Curses through fortune tellers

By Segun Adewumi

Most times, when people seek spiritual help from Prophets, Witch doctors, Malams, and other people with extra-human abilities, the implication is that those seeking help have voluntarily submitted their lives and destinies to these fortune-tellers. This situation gives the fortune-teller the complete legal right to manipulate the lives of the people who surrender themselves.

A fortune-teller, Witchdoctor etc. can ask someone to do certain rituals such as, giving alms or paying him some monies to escape a calamity. The fact is that the calamity did not really exist, but once the pronouncement was made, a curse has been released. The calamity will happen, if the request was not met. This is what we expose ourselves to, when seeking spiritual help.

Curses When We Disobey
(Example of the prophets from Judah 1kings 13:1-33) The prophet from Judah prophesied against king Jeroboam, who attempted to strike the prophet, but the king’s hand was hanged, until the prophet commanded the hand to be released. The prophet from Judah was eventually lured and deceived to disobey God instruction not to eat and when he did eat, it was the same prophet that lured him to disobey that also cursed him and wild animals immediately killed him.
Curses When Our Faith Fails

‘’Thou therefore gird up thy loins, and arise, and speak unto them all that I command thee: be not dismayed at their faces, lest I confound thee before them’’. (Jeremiah 1:17)

An example of what we suffer, when our faith fails is that of the 10 out of the 12 spies, who Moses sent to Canaan, but lost their faith when they saw the inhabitant of Canaan, who were giants. They had the image of themselves as grasshoppers compared to the Canaanites and God agreed with them. They received the curse to perish in the wilderness for the failure of their faith. The two members of the team Joshua and Caleb were blessed for sustaining their faith. They aged, but never grew old until they entered the Promised Land. We have other examples of people who lost their destinies due to their disobedience and inability to sustain their faith.

The summary of the above is that curses often result from the following situations:
• Surrendering our destinies to fortune-tellers who manipulate and upturn them.
• When we disobey God as King Saul did in Amalek.
• When we fail to hold on to our faith and therefore backslide. Next week, we shall discuss curses through psychic projection by witches and occultic people.


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