Victory over demonic attack

By Segun Adewumi

I received over 50 phone calls and text messages from those who read my last week write up on Demonic Attack through Dreams. This is to say a lot of people have the challenge and need deliverance. I happen to be someone that went through all manners of spiritual attacks and nightmares, such as eating in dreams, having intercourse in dreams, gunshots, unable to write examination in dreams and the worst of all, being pressed down and suffocated at sleep. I ran from one part of the country to the other in order to escape the attacks, but I did not succeed. The breakthrough finally came, when I received Christ and started to work in the office of the prophets. One day, I spoke to the church about my affliction from spiritual attack and later requested those experiencing similar attacks to come out. I was surprised that nearly half of the people in the church came out. This is to say what I suffered is a common experience. The practice of witchcraft in Africa is different from how it is practiced elsewhere. Our method of deliverance also ought to address our challenges. One thing that I wish to point out here is that, if one is being spiritually attacked, that is a proof that he has a good future that the devil desire to steal (John 10:10). One can only fail, if he chooses to fail (1Cor 10:13): Let us discuss how Joseph went through all these challenges and yet succeeded.

• Hatred and Rejection:
Joseph was hated and rejected by his brothers because:
(a) His father loved him more than he loved them. He made him a coat of many colours. Joseph was forthright. Joseph had a destiny to preside over his father’s household.

• Coat of Many Colours:
The aim and objectives of the bad dreams and other spiritual attacks is to diminish attention, appreciation and approval of our special gifts and competence. Instead of appreciation, we often receive condemnation. The victim remains in obscurity. This is what the removal of our coat of many colours represents:

•Dry Pit:
We are in the dry pit, when life is going on well for others, but we are left behind. Joseph was naked in the dry pit and was exposed to mosquito bites and the attacks of other insects and even reptiles. His brothers were eating and having a good time, while he was excluded. This is the frustration associated with spiritual attack. Victims are isolated, humiliated, ignored and castigated.

• Sold into Slavery:
The Bible says one’s enemy are members of his household. Joseph was sold into the hands of the witches, who manipulated lives; witches were identified as spiritual merchant (Isaiah 47:15). They affect our lives just like the person that buys a bag of rice and now sells the rice out in small measures. We are like the domestic animal, which can be sold and resold, slaughtered, chained down or beaten up mercilessly.

But through Joseph’s forthrightness, demonstrated in his refusal to betray his master by having sexual intercourse with Potiphar’s wife, he was sent to jail. But also in the manner of “When I am weak then I am strong’’ (2 Cor 12:10), he met his destiny in jail and climbed to the throne of the Prime Minister of Egypt. My fellow believers, whatever spiritual attack you experience will eventually lead you to your destiny, if you remain steadfast in the Lord (Rom 8:28). Consider the following Bible texts: Isaiah 50:7, Isaiah 49:24-26, Jeremiah 1:19. I will wish to give out some hints on how you can tackle some of the attacks until you are fully delivered. Attacks like being pressed down at sleep, meeting cobwebs in the street, receiving marks on your body overnight can be neutralised with the constant reading of 2 Kings 9:30-37, Ezekiel 28:11-19, Isaiah 47, Act 13:6-12. There is, however, a need for you to present yourself for a complete deliverance programme.


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